iTero® Technology

At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the most advanced and comfortable dental care available. One of the ways we achieve this is through our state-of-the-art iTero scanner. This cutting-edge technology revolutionizes the way we plan and execute orthodontic treatments.

What Is The iTero® Scanner?

The iTero scanner is a highly sophisticated digital imaging tool that captures precise, 3D images of your mouth. This scanner eliminates the need for traditional dental impressions, which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable. With iTero, we can quickly and comfortably scan your teeth and gums, providing a superior patient experience and more accurate results.

Benefits Of iTero® Scanner

  • Enhanced comfort: Say goodbye to the discomfort of traditional impression materials. The iTero scanner is non-invasive and completes scans quickly, making it ideal for patients who gag easily or find the traditional impression process uncomfortable.
  • Precision and accuracy: iTero technology produces highly accurate 3D images of your teeth and bite. This precision allows for better-fitting orthodontic aligners, leading to more effective treatments and beautiful results.
  • Faster treatment planning: The digital images from the iTero scanner are available immediately, which means we can start planning your treatment right away. This efficiency speeds up the entire process, from diagnosis to the start of your treatment.
  • Real-time simulations: One of the most exciting features of the iTero scanner is its ability to simulate the end results of your orthodontic treatment. You can see what your smile might look like at the end of your treatment, providing motivation and excitement about your orthodontic journey.
  • Improved patient education: With clear and detailed images, we can better explain your oral health conditions and treatment options. This visual aid helps you understand your dental needs, making it easier to make informed decisions about your treatment.
  • Eco-friendly: Digital scans reduce the need for disposable impression materials, making the iTero scanner a more environmentally friendly option. We are proud to incorporate green practices into our dental care.

Our Commitment To Advanced Technology

At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we are committed to staying at the forefront of dental technology. Investing in tools like the iTero scanner is part of our dedication to enhancing patient care and outcomes. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, our iTero scanner is here to ensure that your experience is comfortable, precise, and efficient.

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