At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we understand that early orthodontic evaluation and care are key to ensuring long-term dental health and beautiful smiles. That’s why we are excited to introduce our Ortho Kids Club—a specialized program designed to monitor and manage the orthodontic needs of your children from an early age.

Why Join The Ortho Kids Club?

  • Early detection: Orthodontic issues can be easier to correct if caught early. Our Ortho Kids Club ensures that children are evaluated at the optimal time to identify any potential issues with jaw growth or teeth alignment.
  • Continuous monitoring: Membership in the Ortho Kids Club involves regular check-ups to monitor the development of your child’s teeth and jaws. This ongoing surveillance helps us decide the perfect time to begin treatment, ensuring the best results with the least complexity.
  • Cost savings: Early intervention can reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic treatments later. Members of the Ortho Kids Club receive their initial consultation and recall visits for free.
  • Educational opportunities: We believe in empowering our young patients and their families by providing them with the knowledge they need about oral health and orthodontic care. The Ortho Kids Club will allow parents and children to ask questions and learn more about orthodontics.
  • Fun and engaging: We make orthodontic care fun! Our Ortho Kids Club is designed to be a welcoming, child-friendly environment where members feel excited about their visits. 

What Does The Ortho Kids Club Offer?

  • Complimentary Initial Consultation and Recall Visits: An expert evaluation without the initial cost, recommended at the age of seven.
  • Regular growth and development assessments: Scheduled assessments to monitor dental development and identify the right moment for starting treatment.
  • Educational materials: Access to resources that help children and parents understand orthodontic health better.

Join Us Today!

Starting your child’s journey to a perfect smile with our Ortho Kids Club is easy! Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation. Let us be a part of your child’s growth, ensuring they not only look their best but also have a healthy foundation for a lifetime of smiles.

At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we’re more than just a dental practice; we’re a family committed to providing your child with the best orthodontic care in a fun, welcoming environment. Become part of our community today and watch your child’s smile transform!

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