Clear Braces

Avon, CT

At the Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we understand the desire for a discreet yet effective orthodontic treatment. Clear braces offer a compelling alternative to traditional metal braces, combining the proven effectiveness of conventional orthodontics with the aesthetic appeal of barely-there visibility. 

Designed for both teens and adults, our clear braces in Avon, CT provide an ideal solution for those who wish to enhance their smile without compromising on appearance.

What Are Clear Braces?

Aesthetic & Effective Orthodontic Treatment

Clear braces function similarly to traditional metal braces but stand out due to their composite materials that blend seamlessly with the color of your teeth. These braces utilize ceramic or clear plastic brackets, making them much less noticeable than their metal counterparts. 

The subtle design of clear braces ensures that your orthodontic treatment doesn’t overshadow your smile, providing a confidence boost as you undergo the transformation process.

Benefits Of Choosing Clear Braces

Combining Aesthetics With Functionality

  • Discretion: Clear braces are ideal for patients who are conscious about the visibility of their orthodontic treatment, offering a less noticeable alternative to metal braces.
  • Effectiveness: Clear braces are equipped with the same reliable technology as traditional braces, allowing them to treat a variety of orthodontic issues, including complex alignment and bite problems.
  • Durability: Modern materials make clear braces strong and resilient. They are designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use while maintaining their discreet appearance.

Comfort: Many patients find clear braces to be more comfortable against the soft tissues of the mouth than metal braces.

Ideal Candidates For Clear Braces

A Versatile Solution For Teens & Adults

Clear braces are particularly popular among teenagers and adults who are looking for an effective treatment that doesn’t draw attention to their orthodontic care. They are suitable for most individuals looking to correct dental misalignments or improve their bite function. 

During your initial consultation at Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, our orthodontists will evaluate your specific situation to determine if clear braces are an appropriate choice for you.

The Clear Braces Treatment Process

A Clear Path To A Beautiful Smile

  • Personal consultation: Your orthodontic journey begins with a detailed consultation where we discuss your aesthetic and functional needs.
  • Tailored treatment planning: Utilizing advanced imaging technology, we design a customized treatment plan that aligns with your unique dental structure and cosmetic preferences.
  • Fitting your braces: The clear braces are expertly fitted to ensure they are comfortable and effective. Our orthodontists take great care to minimize any potential discomfort and ensure a perfect fit.
  • Regular monitoring and adjustments: As with traditional braces, regular check-ups are essential. We will monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to ensure your treatment is progressing as planned.
  • Completion and aftercare: Once your treatment is complete, we provide retainers to ensure that your teeth maintain their new positions. We also offer guidance on how to best care for your new smile.

Why Choose Pediatric Dental Center of Avon For Clear Braces?

Expertise, Technology, & Compassionate Care

Our commitment to providing advanced orthodontic solutions is reflected in our choice to offer clear braces. Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology to ensure precise treatment planning and execution. Our team of orthodontists has extensive experience in cosmetic orthodontic solutions, ensuring that each patient receives care tailored to their individual needs.


At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. We understand the importance of a treatment that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and matches your aesthetic desires, which is why we offer clear braces as a discreet yet effective orthodontic solution.

Begin Your Journey To A Perfect Smile!

Take charge of your orthodontic journey with confidence and discretion. Contact Pediatric Dental Center of Avon today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how clear braces can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Embrace a solution that lets you smile without hesitation throughout your orthodontic treatment! Call today!

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