Expanders & More

Avon, CT

At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive orthodontic solutions that go beyond traditional braces. Our range of dentofacial orthopedic appliances in Avon, CT, including expanders, are designed to address and correct developmental issues affecting the jaw and face. These treatments are particularly effective in young patients whose bones are still growing, allowing for more efficient and lasting changes.

What Are Dentofacial Orthopedic Appliances?

Guiding Growth To Enhance Facial Harmony

Dentofacial orthopedics involves the guidance of facial growth and development, which is most commonly performed during childhood. By using specialized appliances, we can influence the jaw’s growth pattern to address structural imbalances in the face and teeth. These treatments often precede or accompany traditional braces, setting the stage for a healthier bite and a more balanced facial appearance.

Types of Orthopedic Appliances

Customized Solutions For Comprehensive Care

  • Palatal expanders: These are used to widen the upper jaw so that the upper and lower teeth will fit together better. This is often necessary when there is a discrepancy between the widths of the upper and lower jaws, leading to bite problems.
  • Headgear: This appliance may be used to correct overbites by inhibiting the growth of the upper jaw, allowing the lower jaw to catch up.
  • Face masks: Also known as reverse pull headgear, face masks are used to treat underbites by pulling the upper jaw forward.
  • Traditional hyrax expander: This appliance is used to widen the upper jaw and correct crossbites. It consists of metal bands that are attached to the upper molars and a small screw in the middle.
  • Invisalign expander: This is a modern alternative to traditional expanders, using clear aligners to gradually widen the upper jaw.
  • Herbst appliance: This is used to treat overbites by promoting forward growth of the lower jaw. It consists of two metal bars that connect the upper and lower jaws, keeping them in a fixed position.

Benefits Of Dentofacial Orthopedic Treatment

Foundation For A Lifetime Of Healthy Smiles

  • Improved functionality: Correcting jaw imbalances as early as possible can lead to improved biting and chewing abilities.
  • Aesthetic enhancement: These treatments help to create a more proportional and visually appealing facial structure.
  • Preventative care: Early intervention can prevent more severe complications and the need for extensive orthodontic treatments later in life.

The Treatment Process

A Step-By-Step Path To Enhanced Oral Health

  • Detailed evaluation: Every treatment begins with a comprehensive assessment of your child’s facial structure, jaw alignment, and dental health.
  • Custom appliance design: Based on the evaluation, a custom orthopedic appliance is designed to address specific needs.
  • Fitting and adjustments: The appliance is fitted, and periodic adjustments are made to ensure progress and comfort.
  • Monitoring and transition: Regular check-ups allow us to monitor changes and plan the next steps, which may include transitioning to braces or other orthodontic treatments.

Why Choose Pediatric Dental Center of Avon?

Expertise In Pediatric Orthopedic Treatment

Our team at Pediatric Dental Center of Avon specializes in pediatric orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. We are equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and stay updated with the latest treatment methodologies to ensure optimal outcomes. Our compassionate approach and child-friendly environment make treatments as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible for our young patients.

Start The Journey To A Balanced Smile

If you suspect your child may benefit from dentofacial orthopedic treatment, or if you have been advised to consider this type of care, contact us at Pediatric Dental Center of Avon. Schedule a consultation to learn more about how our expanders and other orthopedic appliances can contribute to significant improvements in both dental function and facial aesthetics. Let us help guide your child’s growth toward a healthier and more beautiful future.

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