Pediatric Dentistry

Avon, CT

Discover how Pediatric Dental Center of Avon provides expert dental care for your child, ensuring a bright and healthy smile from infancy through adolescence. We specialize in nurturing young smiles in a welcoming and comfortable environment. Schedule your visit today to see why we are a trusted choice for pediatric dental care in Avon, CT.

What Is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry specializes in the oral health of children from infancy through adolescence. Our pediatric dentists are expertly trained to use advanced techniques and manage behavioral aspects to ensure a comfortable dental experience. As partners in your child’s health journey, we tailor care to meet the unique needs of each young patient, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

The Importance Of Primary Teeth

Primary teeth, or “baby teeth,” are essential for a child’s development, aiding in proper chewing, nutrition, and speech. They also hold space in the jaw for permanent teeth to develop underneath. Losing these teeth too early can lead to crooked or crowded teeth as others shift into the gaps. At our clinic, we emphasize preventive care and education to keep your child’s primary teeth healthy until the permanent teeth naturally replace them.

Common Pediatric Dental Procedures

We offer a variety of dental procedures tailored specifically to the unique needs of children. Understanding these common treatments can help parents feel more at ease about what to expect during their child’s dental visits. Some of the most frequent pediatric dental procedures include:

  • Preventative care: Our team provides regular examinations, professional teeth cleanings, and dietary recommendations to prevent dental issues.
  • Diagnostic services: We use digital x-rays and intraoral cameras to accurately diagnose potential dental problems with minimal discomfort.
  • Tooth-colored fillings: We repair cavities with fillings that blend seamlessly with the natural color of your child’s teeth.
  • Crowns: These restorations provide protection and restoration for a tooth that has been decayed or broken.
  • Extractions: We offer safe removal of a tooth when necessary, such as in the case of severe decay or for orthodontic reasons.
  • Space maintainers: These are devices used to hold space open for a permanent tooth when a baby tooth has been prematurely lost.

Cleanings & Exams

Regular cleanings and exams are cornerstone services at Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, ensuring your child’s oral health is monitored and maintained from a young age. During a typical visit, our skilled team will:

  • Clean teeth: This includes removing plaque and tartar build-up that can lead to cavities and gum disease.
  • Polish teeth: We will smooth the surface of the teeth to remove stains and further clean the teeth.
  • Comprehensive examination: Our team will check all teeth and gums for any signs of potential issues like cavities, gum disease, and developmental abnormalities.
  • Guidance on oral hygiene: We educate both parents and children on effective brushing and flossing techniques to enhance their daily oral care routine at home.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is a common and highly effective method to protect your child’s teeth from decay. We apply a safe, gentle fluoride varnish during routine dental visits to strengthen the enamel—the hard outer surface of the teeth. Below, you will find a few reasons why fluoride is so beneficial:

  • Cavity prevention: Fluoride helps to rebuild and fortify the tooth enamel, effectively reversing early signs of tooth decay.
  • Long-term benefits: Regular fluoride applications during childhood can lead to a lifetime of healthier and stronger teeth.
  • Safety and efficiency: Our fluoride treatments are quick and painless, taking only a few minutes to apply, and they have benefits that last for months.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are another preventative measure we employ to protect children’s teeth from cavities. Sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars), where most cavities in children are found. Here’s how dental sealants benefit your child:

  • Effective barrier: Sealants keep out food particles and plaque that are otherwise hard to brush away in the grooves and depressions of molars.
  • Easy application: The process is simple, quick, and completely pain-free. The sealant is painted on the teeth and hardened with a light, forming a protective shield in just a few minutes.
  • Long-lasting protection: Once applied, sealants can protect teeth for up to several years under the force of normal chewing and can be reapplied if necessary.


When cavities occur, fillings are an essential treatment to restore the health and functionality of your child’s teeth. We use tooth-colored fillings that not only restore the teeth but also maintain their natural appearance. Here’s what you can expect when your child receives a filling:

  • Tooth preparation: The affected area is carefully cleaned and prepared. Any decay is removed to prevent further damage.
  • Filling application: A composite resin that matches the natural color of your child’s teeth is applied. This material is preferred for its durability and aesthetic qualities.
  • Curing the filling: The resin is then hardened using a special light, which bonds the filling securely to the tooth, restoring its original shape and function.
  • Final adjustments: We ensure the filling fits comfortably in your child’s bite and make any necessary adjustments to perfect the feel and function.

Pulp Therapy

Pulp therapy is critical for treating dental pulp infections or injuries, often necessary when a cavity reaches deep into the tooth or an injury affects the tooth’s nerves. We offer two primary types of pulp therapy—pulpotomy and pulpectomy—depending on the extent of the infection or damage. Here’s how we handle pulp therapy:

  • Pulpotomy: If the infection is confined to the crown of the tooth, the affected pulp is removed, and a medication is placed to prevent further infection and preserve the remaining healthy pulp.
  • Pulpectomy: In cases where the entire pulp is affected, it is completely removed from both the crown and roots. The canals are then cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a biocompatible material.
  • Finishing the restoration: After pulp therapy, the tooth is typically restored with a crown to protect it and restore its function. This is especially important in primary teeth to ensure the proper spacing and alignment for permanent teeth.

Behavior Management In Pediatric Dentistry

Understanding and managing a child’s behavior during dental visits is crucial for a positive dental experience. We employ a variety of behavior management techniques that help reduce anxiety and ensure that children feel comfortable and safe. Some of the key strategies include:

  • Tell-show-do: We explain dental procedures in a way that children can understand, show them the tools we will use, and demonstrate the procedure on a model or their finger before starting the actual treatment.
  • Positive reinforcement: Praising the child for any positive behavior or cooperation during the dental visit encourages them and reduces fear and anxiety.
  • Distraction techniques: Using stories, music, or videos to divert the child’s attention away from the dental procedure helps to relax them and makes the visit more enjoyable.
  • Parental involvement: Encouraging parents to be active participants in their child’s dental care journey helps children feel more secure and supported.

Dental Development In Children

Understanding the stages of dental development in children helps parents anticipate the needs and changes in their child’s oral health. We guide parents through each stage of dental development, from infancy to adolescence, ensuring optimal oral health at every phase. The stages include:

  • Infancy (0-2 years): This covers the emergence of the first baby teeth. During this phase, we discuss teething and how to care for these new teeth.
  • Early childhood (3-6 years): This stage sees the completion of the primary dentition. It’s important to establish good oral hygiene habits early to protect these teeth.
  • Mixed dentition (7-12 years): Children begin to lose their baby teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth. Monitoring alignment and spacing issues becomes crucial here.
  • Adolescence (13+ years): The focus is on the final alignment and health of permanent teeth, including discussions about orthodontic treatments if necessary.

Your Child’s Smile Support Team

As a parent, it is important to ensure your child has a dental support team you can rely on to keep their smile healthy. Our dedicated team in Avon,CT uses the latest techniques to ensure that your child’s visit is comfortable and effective, helping them to maintain a healthy smile for years to come. From routine cleanings and check-ups to more advanced treatments, our team is here to guide you and your child through every stage of their dental journey.

We want your child to have a happy, healthy smile that they can be proud of. So don’t wait any longer – schedule an appointment with us today!

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