Space Maintainer

Avon, CT

At the Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we understand the importance of every step in a child’s dental development. One crucial intervention we offer is the use of space maintainers in Avon, CT, which play a vital role in dental health by preserving space for permanent teeth after the premature loss of baby teeth. Our tailored approach ensures that your child’s future smile remains aligned and healthy.

What Are Space Maintainers?

Essential Tools For Healthy Dental Development

Space maintainers are custom-made dental appliances crafted to hold the space left by a lost primary tooth until the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. These devices are crucial in preventing neighboring teeth from drifting into the empty space, which could cause crowding, misalignments, or more complex orthodontic problems in the future.

commonly performed during childhood. By using specialized appliances, we can influence the jaw’s growth pattern to address structural imbalances in the face and teeth. These treatments often precede or accompany traditional braces, setting the stage for a healthier bite and a more balanced facial appearance.

Types Of Space Maintainers

Custom Solutions For Every Need

Space maintainers come in various forms, each designed to accommodate different dental needs and areas of the mouth. In orthodontics, we use fixed bilateral space maintainers. These are made with metal bands that are cemented to the teeth on either side of the gap, connected by a wire that holds the space in place. 

  • For upper teeth, the device is called a nance. It has a small acrylic pad that rests against the roof of the mouth, and wires that extend back to the molars.
  • For lower teeth, we use a lower lingual holding arch. It has wires that extend from the molars to the lower front teeth, keeping them in place.

Benefits Of Space Maintainers

Proactive Prevention For Future Orthodontic Health

  • Prevents misalignment: By holding space for the emerging permanent tooth, space maintainers prevent the shifting of adjacent teeth, reducing the risk of crowding and misalignment.
  • Less complex future treatments: Using space maintainers can decrease the likelihood of needing more invasive orthodontic treatments later in a child’s life.
  • Supports normal development: They help maintain the integrity of a child’s dental arches, supporting normal development of the jaw and facial muscles.

The Process Of Fitting Space Maintainers

A Seamless, Comfortable Experience

  • Initial consultation: Our pediatric dental specialists assess your child’s dental health and determine the need for a space maintainer.
  • Custom design and fit: Each space maintainer is custom-designed to fit your child’s mouth perfectly. Impressions of your child’s mouth may be taken to ensure a precise fit.
  • Placement: Fixed space maintainers are cemented into place while removable ones are fitted, and instructions for care and usage are provided.
  • Regular monitoring: We schedule follow-up visits to monitor the maintainer and the eruption of the permanent tooth, adjusting or removing the appliance as necessary.

Why Choose Pediatric Dental Center of Avon For Space Maintainers?

Expert Care From Specialists You Can Trust

At Pediatric Dental Center of Avon, we specialize in pediatric dental treatments that cater to the unique needs of children. Our experienced pediatric dentists use the latest techniques and materials to create space maintainers that are comfortable and effective. We prioritize a compassionate, understanding approach, ensuring that both children and parents are fully informed and comfortable with the treatment process.

Begin A Journey To Lifelong Dental Health!

If your child has lost a primary tooth prematurely, or if you are seeking preventative dental solutions that support optimal oral development, contact Pediatric Dental Center of Avon today. Our space maintainers are just one of the many tools we use to maintain the health and beauty of your child’s evolving smile. Schedule a consultation to learn more about how space maintainers can benefit your child’s dental future.

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